Important points to consider when starting a business

Starting a business is a great way to create additional sources of income. There are many different businesses that you can start, this can range from monetising a hobby or skill, buying and selling products or providing a service to solve a problem that is in demand. It is important to start your business withContinueContinue reading Important points to consider when starting a business

How to kickstart your goals and stay motivated

Once the excitement of a new year fades away, it is easy to also shelve your goals until later in the year. When you realise that the year is coming to an end and you haven’t accomplished what you wanted, this can be demoralising. I have experienced this many times. In this blog, I willContinueContinue reading “How to kickstart your goals and stay motivated”

How I started my business without borrowing money

One area that stops a lot of people from taking that step of faith and starting a business is not having enough capital to start. Depending on the type of business that can be a huge barrier to starting however, I managed to start my business with no upfront capital and did not have toContinueContinue reading “How I started my business without borrowing money”

5 Habits that will help you to save consistently

One important factor of being able to manage your finances is being able to save consistently. This will help with meeting your goals and avoid falling into debt. In this blog, I will be writing about 5 habits that will help you to save consistently.  Set clear measurable savings goals. Setting specific goals will helpContinueContinue reading “5 Habits that will help you to save consistently”

5 indicators that show you need to review your personal finances

Reviewing your finances is an important part of effective financial management. This means checking your income, expenses, savings, debt repayments and ensuring you can afford your current lifestyle. In this blog I will be writing about 5 indicators that show you nee to review your personal finances. There has been a change to your lifestyleContinueContinue reading “5 indicators that show you need to review your personal finances”

Lessons I learnt from my money mistakes

Having moved to the United Kingdom when I was in my early teens, one of the first things my mother did was to open a bank account for me. She wanted me to use it to save my money and eventually to receive my salary. Fast forward a few years later, I had a jobContinueContinue reading “Lessons I learnt from my money mistakes”

5 Habits that could stop you from reaching your financial goals

“If your habits don’t line up with your dream, you need to either change your habits or change your dream” John Maxwell There are certain things that we may do unconsciously due to routine or because it has been engrained into our day to day processes. Over time, these processes become a habit and areContinueContinue reading “5 Habits that could stop you from reaching your financial goals”

How to invest in your Personal Development

Personal Development means different things to different people. However, I like to think of it as continuously improving yourself. This can be through learning subject areas, perfecting your skills and most importantly looking after yourself. In this blog I will be exploring ways in which you can invest in your personal development.    One thing aboutContinueContinue reading “How to invest in your Personal Development”

Why is it important to invest in yourself and understand your Mindset?

Investing in yourself means taking time to look after yourself, learn something new and continue to develop yourself. Many people sometimes overlook this due to busy schedules, but it is very important to take time to know, understand and develop yourself. In this blog I will be looking at the importance of understanding your mindsetContinueContinue reading “Why is it important to invest in yourself and understand your Mindset?”

3. What I learnt about managing my finances and wellbeing during uncertain times

In this Podcast I will be talking about some of the things I learnt as a result of the uncertainty that was created by COVID-19 Follow us on Social Media Instagram: @deep_pockets_finance Facebook Group: Finance Tips for Women by Deep Pockets Finance